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Maurizio Galante & Tal Lancman :: research point

"Maurizio Galante and Tal Lancman have been working together under the label INTERWARE since 2003. INTERWARE is a society for “transversal design”: a crossover of design, art, architecture and life that ignores common delimitations." From MUDAM.

Is there a theme?
The theme is transversal design, a crossover of design, architecture and haute couture.

Is it well displayed?
Yes, it is very well displayed.

Is the lighting appropriate?
I guess the lighting is appropriate, mainly to protect the work exhibit but sometimes I had the impression that I couldn't see colours accurately.

Is there enough explanation of the exhibits?
There is enough explanation of the exhibits, every piece has a small explanation, there is a small book with additional information.

Is it visually stimulating and interesting?
It is visually very stimulating and of great interest.

Aura fiorita, 2006
Fauteuil, 55 x 58 x 80 cm
17 kg, 2,6 me de tissu polyréthane, ruban
Design : Maurizio Galante
Éditeur : Cerruti Baleri 

When was the piece made and by whom?
This piece, an armchair, was designed by Maurizio Galante and edited by Cerruti Baleri.

What is it made of?
It is made of polyurethane fabric and ribbon.

What are the approximate dimensions?
The dimensions are 55 x 58 x 80 cm.

Can you identify the techniques used?
Besides the upholstery work, the fabric has been embroidered with ribbon and little glass pearls. I think the the armchair's upholstery work was not made in the traditional ancient version.

Is the work representational or abstract?
The work is representational, the work is actually the chair in itself.

Where did the designer derive their inspiration?
I would say that inspiration derives from time: past, present and future. I don't really know how to answer this question.
“INTERWARE is about a new generation of design. As a rule, the term ‘couture’ is used in connection with the past. My work is a fusion of past, present and future. The memory of the past is there in the handicraft, the poetry and the familiar elements, while the future is presented very practically and realistically by means of technology and innovation. But it is not based on a ‘total look’. They are just the things I love - the things that have a place in my world.” (Maurizio Galante)

How would you describe it - decorative, expressive, functional or symbolic?
I would describe it as decorative and functional.

To what extent does the piece refer to:

  • tradition (technically or through images)
  • a period of fashion?
A period of fashion and to tradition too, as can be read on the artist's quote above.

What qualities do you like or dislike about the piece?
I like this very very much, it is amazingly beautiful and at the same time it is an every use object. The choice of materials is interesting in the way that an armchair usually is not embroidered. The colours are beautiful and joyful. Everything is perfectly made to the smallest detail. It is a perfect and beautiful piece of work.

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