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Stage 4 :: working from sketchbooks

Have you ever thought about drawing in this way before?

I never thought of drawing this way, is the kind of thing that would never occur to me because I am (or used to be) so scared of drawing.

Were you able to be inventive about the range of masks you made?

I don't think I was inventive, I limited myself to what was asked and suggested as exercise. I still feel shy regarding drawing.

Did you explore a wide range of media?

As I did on the previous exercises, I did what suggested as exercise with the media suggested and I did not invent a lot. I made my own beewax pastel, that was the most inventive thing I did during these exercises. Otherwise, I used charcoal, graphite, gouache, oil pastel, coloured pencils and burned cork.

Are you pleased with what you've done? Will it help you approach drawing more confidently?

I really enjoyed some of the exercises and it will help me approach drawing more confidently, yes. Although I believe that I will never draw very well. What I learned from these drawing exercises is a different approach to the object. Now when I look  at something I see it in therms of texture and this is important because I pay attention to certain details that I have never seen before.

Which exercise did you most enjoy? Why?

The exercise where I had more expectations was Stage 2 - Exercise 4 and I really had fun while doing it. I was wondering about how the fixative transfer would result although  it didn't come out as I expected. On the other hand I was surprised by the results of combing and rubbing way, it can make some nice effects that I wasn't expecting at all.

Which media did you most enjoy working with? Why?

Pastels, it is so smooth to work with. And it can have some interesting effects. And burned cork, I really liked what it is possible to make with it, is a cool mark maker.

What other forms of mark-making could you try?

I don't know, I am not that at ease to explore it yet.

How will these exercises enrich your textile work in the future?

What I learned from these drawing exercises is a different approach to the object. Now when I look  at something I see it in therms of texture and this is important because I pay attention to certain details that I didn't see before. While I was preparing the exercise, I took pictures of textures, something that I had never did before and this is what made me look differently at objects.

I feel that these exercises - the preparation more than the others because it was the first thing did and it was new and made a strong impression - helped me to become a better photographer. And this will enrich my textile work because I will capture it looking deeper into texture and differently as object.

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Máquina corta-e-cose e outras

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Calças de ganga :: bainha original

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Bainhas :: calças de ganga

Para fazer encurtar e bainhas de bainhas de calças de ganga é necessário fio próprio para ganga, mais espesso que o fio de costura normal, fio de espessura normal e ambos de preferência da mesma cor que as restantes costuras das calças. São também necessárias agulhas específicas para ganga. 1. Cortar as calças deixando 3 a 4 cm para fazer a bainha, dobrar o tecido duas vezes com uma largura de aproximadamente 1,5 cm. Prender com alfinetes perpendicularmente ao sentido da costura. 2. Enfiar o fio mais espesso na agulha e o mais fino em baixo. Regular a tensão do fio para 8 (ou o dobro da tensão normal) e o comprimento do ponto para 3,5. 3. Iniciar a costura em marcha-atrás na parte interior da perna para que o remate não se veja com as calças vestidas. Os alfinetes podem ou não ser retirados à medida que a costura avança. Eu retiro-os para evitar partir e/ou danificar as agulhas. 4. Quando se chega à costura mais espessa da perna pode colocar-se um calço - baixa