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A mostrar mensagens de outubro, 2011

Reflective commentary

   With these last exercises I was much more at ease that I was with drawing, besides feeling more at ease with the drawing itself because I stopped caring about so much about how it comes out and caring more about its usefulness as a working basis. Making marks with fabric and stitches seemed much easier than making marks with drawing. Even though I use drawing to prepare my future marks made with on fabric, doing it with sewing makes feel that I can express myself through it and this does not happen with drawing. I embroidered squares trees in linen fabric using wool, cotton and polyester threads. The colours chosen aim to represent the four seasons of the year. I also made a Christmas tree to use golden thread with French knots. Well, I do not like the result but it was perfect to use the French knot stitch. The stage 6 tree was inspired in a picture of a real tree. I truly enjoyed these exercises and I think most of them went really well. Exploring stitch techniques was nice and fu

Stage 6 :: using thread and yarns to create textures

This should have been done using one of my drawings but as I recently became addicted to Pinterest  I couldn't resist using a picture I saw and  found so inspiring. I used different yarns - wool and polyester - and also wool for felting, the fabric is linen. The more uncommon material was the window rubber insulation strip. I was surprised to see how well it worked, it made a soft an voluminous tree trunk where I could easily embroider the moss. The felting wool was used for volume and the wool yarn to create the leaves' texture. Photo from Robert Friel

Stage 5 : stitches to create texture

Square Fall Trees :: textures created with stitches Eloise Renouf Quinta do Avô António This exercise was inspired by  Eloise Renouf  textures and by  Quinta do Avô António 's logo. The colours were inspired by Belgian Fall colours, the colours that I can see from my windows everyday during October and November. I used this picture because since move to Belgium that Fall became my favourite season with beautiful colours full of joy and golden peace. During this period I only see orange and yellow and golden and I even try to reproduce these colours when I cook. These last exercises were strongly season-influenced. The materials used are: linen, wool, cross stitch embroidery thread, crochet yarn, machine sewing thread.  Square Fall Trees sketch book draft Wool and cotton thread :: hand and machine satin stitches, cable stitch Wool and cotton thread :: cable stitch Wool and cotton thread :: cable stitch and free machining Wool, cotton, crochet yarn, machine sewing thread :: sedding a


Este é o meu actual trabalho em progresso. São duas cadeiras parecidas com a primeira cadeira que refiz e que precisaram de costas novas e de elásticos novos que irão suportar quem se sentar na cadeira. A fotografia é dos elásticos já agrafados ao esqueleto da cadeira.

A primeira cadeira

Acabei a minha primeira cadeira! Há uns meses refiz as almofadas duma cadeira que comprei numas velharias. Precisei de usar a cadeira numa exposição e foi necessário fazer almofadas novas, tive pouquíssimo tempo para as fazer e as almofadas não ficaram especialmente bonitas. A cadeira ficou à espera de novos tecidos que escolhi com a vossa ajuda . Aproveitei para fazer duas almofada quadradas com 35 cm de lado e a condizer com as almofadas da cadeira não só para dar um ar mais acolhedor mas também para acentuar o look semi-retro e quase psicadélico do tecido. As rãs que aparecem na foto - toda a gente me pergunta - foram compradas pelo H. no marché du Jeu de Balle   em Bruxelas algum tempo antes de nos conhecermos (2005). Já as procurámos várias vezes a pedido de amigos mas nunca mais conseguimos encontrar as mesmas. Pormenor da costura :: almofada rígida da cadeira  Fecho invisível das almofadas de 35 cm Pormenor do fecho :: almofada rígida da cadeira

Cavalo de pau

Há alguns meses descobri um tutorial para fazer "cavalos de pau" como aqueles com que brinquei quando era pequenina. Adorei, guardei o link e hoje fiz o meu primeiro cavalo de pau para oferecer ao meu filho no seu segundo aniversário.

Stage 4 :: preparing to create textures

Tree leaves from the garden   Marks made with tree leaves and goache Wool needle technique and free machining Wool needle technique as seen in this  video   Machine sewn :: free machining Machine sewn  Machine sewn :: free machining Machine sewn :: free machining

Stage 3 :: a sample

Cotton crochet yarn Cotton crochet yarn

Ceci n'est pas du belge

René Magritte "Ceci n'est pas une pipe" (isto não  um cachimbo) Ao chegar ao WC público da estação central da cidade do Luxemburgo, o turista do sexo masculino é surpreendido com a questão "Urinol ou sanita? O urinol custa 0,60€ e a sanita 1,10€." Uma forma discreta de perguntar "xixi ou cocó?". E outras questões se levantam: pressupõe-se que as mulheres pagam mais porque tendem a não utilizar o urinol logo há descriminação entre sexos, se mesmo assim se uma mulher quiser utilizar o urinol  em vez da sanita será que pode?,  se a pessoa for vomitar deve fazê-lo onde? Conclusão: a solução mais barata é fazer cocó no urinol. Cocó, xixi e WCs públicos não são assuntos que costume discutir aqui no blog mas não deu para resistir. Agora mais a sério, quem quiser descobrir mais sobre Magritte pode fazê-lo aqui .

Stage 2 :: exploring marks and lines through stitch techniques

Cable stitch with different stitch lengths, it works great but only with straight stitch. I really liked the effect and I will try it with different threads. Cable stitch using fabric stretched on the embroidery hoop. The upper thread - the same colour as the fabric - can be seen here. Cable stitch using fabric stretched on the embroidery hoop with free machining, no presser foot at all. My favourite experience until now, it opens so many possibilities. Cable stitch with free machining, normal tension on the bobbin. Cable stitch using fabric stretched on the embroidery hoop with free machining and a little more tension on the bobbin. Cable stitch using fabric stretched on the embroidery hoop with free machining and even more tension on the bobbin.