With these last exercises I was much more at ease that I was with drawing, besides feeling more at ease with the drawing itself because I stopped caring about so much about how it comes out and caring more about its usefulness as a working basis. Making marks with fabric and stitches seemed much easier than making marks with drawing. Even though I use drawing to prepare my future marks made with on fabric, doing it with sewing makes feel that I can express myself through it and this does not happen with drawing. I embroidered squares trees in linen fabric using wool, cotton and polyester threads. The colours chosen aim to represent the four seasons of the year. I also made a Christmas tree to use golden thread with French knots. Well, I do not like the result but it was perfect to use the French knot stitch. The stage 6 tree was inspired in a picture of a real tree. I truly enjoyed these exercises and I think most of them went really well. Exploring stitch techniques was nice and fu
A dificuldade em gerir uma casa e outros aspectos da vida doméstica não devem ser uma agonia ou uma fonte de ansiedade. Existem soluções. Algumas podem ser encontradas neste blogue, feito para pessoas que não têm paciência, tempo ou interesse em tarefas caseiras. Este blogue também tem ideias e dicas para facilitar a organização doméstica em momentos complicados da vida.